As a qualified Headteacher (NPQH) I know the value of having somebody challenge your ideas and ask the "So what?" question when it comes wanting to do something new or change direction. Objectivity is often the key and the need for a "critical friend" when in a leadership role should not be underestimated.
I also see the leadership of a school as being responsible for providing an environment that promotes teaching and suppoprts learning. This is a challenge that can often require creative ideas as you seek to satisfy external requirements and still protect the learning environment.
I have a weath of experience I can draw on to help you in your leadership challenges including: team building and communication, redundancy and recruitment issues, school closures and openings, school design and remodelling, re-organisation, curriculum and qualification changes and many day to day challenges.
Having ideas is one thing, achieving them is another. Often there are practical challenges to be overcome in achieving a goal. Amoungst these challenges are resources, time, expertise and the will to do something different or new. We must never forget not only are we managing processes but also people. As an organisations greatest resource it is importan that people are placed central to any activity.
Finding the right people to support and develop those who will implement or bring about change is vital for an organisation to succeed.
Trying to change too much at one can be as unproductive as doing nothing. What is needed is a way of managing the challenges in a co-ordinated manner. I have a well deveveloped Monitor, Improve and Change model that can be customised to your needs that addresses the balance of needs against resources.
Supporting the vision
Supporting change
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